Lent, a good time to enter into the spirit of what we believed-in as Christians. The essence of Lent can be summarized and make sense only when we grasp the reason of God creating man and woman; placing them in the Garden of Eden and God allowing Jesus to suffer in the Garden of Gethsemani.
Our faith is a relationship. It is all about God loving us and wanting to enter into an intimate relationship with us. He created the Garden of Eden for this unique reason -- so that God and man can enter into a relationship of a perfect love. God wishes humanity to love Him with all their hearts and in full freedom of spirit. Meaning, to freely and consciously choose to love God in return. This is the very nature of God. He does not dictate, he does not insist, yet He makes himself known to us in discreet ways, through nature, people, instances, events around us with the hope that we would recognize Him.
But as we know, we all sin and denied God in so many ways. When we see pain and suffering or experience it ourselves, these are the signs of our fallen human nature. But God faithful to His promise to love us, He sent Jesus His only begotten Son to ransom us from the pains of sin that cause suffering. At the Garden of Gethsemani Jesus suffered in His human nature, "Father let this cup pass from me" yet in His free will He surrendered everything --"not my will but Thy Will be done."and overcame the frailty of human nature.
The ultimate sacrifice of God for love of man was Jesus' death. Jesus proves to us that God's love has no boundary, to the point of giving up His Son for the sake of fallen men and women that He created. Lent reminds us of this perfect and faithful love of God.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God except our own free will. To be totally alienated from God, we must will it. But even we alienate ourselves from God still like a good Father, He awaits for our return, the return of His prodigal sons and daughters.
Now is the Time. Come back to Him.... to a new beginning, a threshold that will set your spirit free and be with Him again in the Garden of Eden where everywhere you turn you see only love. 'There' in the Garden is where we belong!
Now is the time, it is not late to go back to the Garden of Love....
This is the last week of Lent, come back to where we belong...
.... Jesus is waiting for us "with love"....
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